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Avoid overexposure of subtle peripheral lesions
Opaque chain incorporated at the periphery, always beyond the skin
Adheres vertically with very little pressure
Resists alcohol, Zephiran® and heat
L29 x W19 x H4.5 cm approx 1 kg
Lower maxilla
The anterior part is not over-penetrated.
T-1 to t-3
On patients with prominent lower chest, these over-exposed vertebrae are protected by the inverted BOOMERANG.
Place the thickest part of the BOOMERANG® behind the soft tissue. It will hold in place with very little pressure.
The lower anterior part is protected. But for knees in extension, the BOOMERANG 15° model or the LITTLE PRISM are preferable.
L29 x W19 x H4.5 cm approx 1 kg
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