OPG CBCT 3D Dental System

$125,000.00 excluding GST

CODE 2VillaRoto3D Category:
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Rotograph Evo 3D is a new dental imaging system with 3-in-1 functionality: Panoramic, Cephalometric, 3D.

This system is based on the highly regarded mechanical platform of the Rotograph Evo, adapted mechanically and electronically to operate with the latest “Cone Beam” technology allowing 3D reconstruction of the jaws.

Core of the Rotograph Evo 3D is the innovative Flat Panel Detector (FPD) using Amorphous Silicon technology associated with Cesium Iodide (CsI) scintillator.

Thanks to its peculiarity to work in either Panoramic or 3D modality, Pan images are acquired directly and not reconstructed from a volume, while the unit’s 3D Field of View of 8,5×8,5 cm allows to obtain the entire dental status of the patient in a single exposure. The

Rotograph Evo 3D can also be integrated with a digital Cephalometric arm, or upgraded at a later stage in case of need, in order to expand applications to the orthodontic field.

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