Ultravist 240 (10 x 50ml)

$130.00 excluding GST

Ultravist 240 (10 x 50ml) *NON IONIC

Ultravist is an injectable contrast medium (a dye) which contains iodine. It is used to clearly show on X-rays the area of your body that your doctor wants to investigate.

1ml Ultravist 240 contains 499mg of iopromide (equivalent to 240mg iodine).


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Ultravist 240 (10 x 50ml) *NON IONIC

Ultravist is an injectable contrast medium (a dye) which contains iodine.

When you have an X-ray, the beam of rays goes through your body where it is absorbed to differing degrees by

different tissues such as bones, muscles and organs. When the rays come out on the other side they make a pattern of light and shade on a picture. Ultravist helps to make this pattern clearer. The picture is then examined by a specialist who will make a diagnosis.

This medicine is for diagnostic use only.

CTN = (10 x 50ml)


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