Beekley X-Spot 1.5mm (150)
$154.00 excluding GSTBEEKLEY X-SPOT 101 BLUE Ref: 101 Blue, (QTY: 150/box) X-SPOT 101: Identify and differentiate specific points of reference in conventional simulation treatment planning, chest, and trauma imaging. 1.5mm lead-free pellet easy Pick-Up tab -
Beekley Y-Spot 2.0mm (132)
$158.00 excluding GSTBEEKLEY Y-SPOT® 102 Green Ref: 102 Green (QTY: 132/box) Identify and differentiate specific points of reference in conventional simulation treatment planning, chest, and trauma imaging. 2.0mm lead-free pellet easy Pick-UP tab -
Beekley D-Spot (99) Opaque
$157.00 excluding GSTBEEKLEY D-SPOT® ARROW 104 Ref: 104 (QTY: 99/box) lead-free arrow with easy Pick-UP tab for marking nodes and outer canthus -
Beekley T-Spot 0.8mm (275cm)
$177.00 excluding GSTBEEKLEY T-SPOT® Line 111 Ref: 111, (QTY: 275cm cut to measure roll/box) .8mm diameter metallic line. for marking scars, nodes, field borders, and match lines -
PointGaurds 5cm linear 75
$165.00 excluding GSTPointGuards® 215 Ref: 215, (QTY: 75/box) 1.5cm x 5.0cm linear adhesive covers for longer, more linear treatment planning marks -
PointGuards 2.5cm Cir 100 – cl
$165.00 excluding GSTPointGuards® 315 Ref: 315, (QTY: 100 / box) 2.5cm circular adhesive covers for smaller treatment planning marks see-through cover for quicker and more precise placement -
PointGuards 2.5cm Cir 85 – M
$165.00 excluding GSTPointGuards® 318 Ref: 318, (QTY: 85/box) 2.5cm circular adhesive covers crosshair design for hard to find marks -
CT Guided Biopsie 4″x5″
$187.00 excluding GSTGuideLines® CT Biopsy Grid 117 Ref: 117, (QTY: 20/box) 4" x 5" biopsy grid 7 non-metallic radiopaque lines open pane design for easy mark placement ideal for CT-guided biopsies of the neck and other small areas -
Beckley CT Spot 2.3mm
$177.00 excluding GSTBEEKLEY CT-SPOT® 119 Ref: 119, (QTY: 85/box) Ideal for marking 3-point set-ups and isocenters, these unique markers image brightly during simulation without streaking or artifact. 2.3mm non-metallic pellet for 3-points set-ups and isocenters -
CT Spots 4mm Pellets
$183.00 excluding GSTIdeal for marking 3-point set-ups and isocenters, these unique markers image brightly during simulation without streaking or artifact. BEEKLEY CT-SPOT® 120, Ref: 120 (QTY: 85/box) 4.0mm non-metallic pellet for 3-point set-ups and isocenters -
PinPoint Marker 1.27mm Diam
$165.00 excluding GSTPinPoint® for Image Registration 128 Ref: 128, (QTY: 30 / box) ideal for image registration performed under CT and MRI conical design with a 1.27mm diameter center hole -
MR 1.75 cm Radiance Filled
$190.00 excluding GSTMR-SPOT Packets™ 185 Ref: 185, (QTY: 40/box) 1.75cm Radiance® filled packet ideal for extremities, soft tissue masses, and breast MRI designed for optimum patient comfort -
Localizer CT skin marker 2.3mm
$99.00 excluding GSTLocalizers™ Localization Markers 210 Ref: 210, (QTY: 40/box) 2.3mm low-density pellet ideal for identifying soft tissue masses on the neck -
Localizers CT Skin markers 4mm
$99.00 excluding GSTLocalizers™ Localization Markers 211 Ref: 211, (QTY: 40/box) 4.0mm low-density pellet ideal for identifying areas of interest on abdominal cases or with larger patients -
Beekley ColdSpot 70x70mm (Ind)
$329.00 excluding GSTColdSPOT® 500 Sold Individually 2.75" x 3.0" gel pack self-adhesive side tabs for targeted and effective cold treatment following minimally invasive breast biopsy procedures -
CT Guided Biopsies 7″x7.5″
$187.00 excluding GSTGuideLines® CT Biopsy Grid 217 Ref: 217, (QTY: 15 / box) 7" x 7.5" biopsy grid 12 non-metallic radiopaque lines open pane design for easy mark placement ideal for CT-guided biopsies of abdomen and other large areas