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Share & store X-ray studies using the cloud..
Experience better image retrieval, viewing & analysis via the practice data network and web browser interface. The ITX Cloud PACS user interface was designed with user experience and usability at the forefront.
ITX Cloud PACS is a cloud based storage facility that allows you to access, store, manipulate and share your X-ray data with other computers on the network. ATX reduces your costs and risks involved with storing these studies your self (about the same cost of installing your own server).
Why do I need to use the cloud?
- Backing up onto an external disk rarely works
Equipment fails, nobody checks the back up, back up software stops working, data format is not compatible. - Keeping a back up on site doesn’t reduce the risk of losing studies in the case of burglary, fire, flood or misplacement. (Trust us, we’ve seen this happen).
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