Full Spine DR Panel Longtail

The ultimate in long-bone digital imaging technology is here: the Longtail is the world’s first monolithic full-spine flat-panel DR detector. It requires no long scan wait, no image stitching, produces no image gaps, and contains no plate overlap. It is the first of its kind to produce long-bone and full-spine digital studies instantaneously with the highest geometric accuracy.

Longtail info

Ideally suited to low dose leg length and other orthopedic studies.

Improved Emergency Department workflow with two second trauma scan to aid triage.

Can be table or trolley mounted or wall mounted and interchangeably swapped between the two.

The Longtail is perfectly suited for orthopedics, trauma, and radiology applications. Given the full spine image acquisition in a single shot, the Longtail is the best detector for the most sensitive population: children – specifically pediatric orthopedics. Further, the highly portable Longtail is an easy solution for mobile and on-site units – either trauma response units or mobile x-ray operations. The Longtail is an easy and practical addition to any radiology department or practice as it can be used for both localized and long-bone studies.
CODE ATXDRLong Category:
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Approximately 109cm of pure contiguous digital x-ray image in a single exposure.

  • Monolithic Amorphous Silicon (MAS) technology
  • Image preview in a few seconds
  • No stitching
  • Lowest dose – equivalent to a chest exposure
  • One third less skin dose (estimated)
  • Higher geometric accuracy
  • Cost effective
  • No moving parts

Longtail Fullspine AP Video

Longtail Fullspine Lateral Video

Longtail Full Spine Filters

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Additional Information

Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 120 × 52 × 12 cm


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